Alessio Pistilli made his first live performances in the musical area of Pontino, Italy.
Back in 2002 he formed a band where he was both lead singer and guitarist celebrating famous and popular Italian songwriters and the milestones of rock from the 60s and 70s.
In 2008 he left the band and began recording and writing his own pieces from his home studio.
In 2010 he released his first EP, self produced, and took part in various regional and national music competitions.
In 2011 his album “Venedesi or Cercasi?” (For sale or wanted?) was released featuring 11 tracks with a singer-songwriter flavour, the album was followed with a tour of over 80 dates.
In June 2012 he won a scholarship as a songwriter within the C.E.T (European Centre of Toscolano) followed by performances of his latest album in the UK at Jagz nightclub Ascot. In September he performed at the Roccalling Festival which lead to the Meeting of Independent Labels (MEI, il Meeting delle Etichette Indipendenti a Faenza).
2013 was filled with performances at prestigious clubs such as the Arciliuto and the Contestaccio in Rome and the Teatro Cafaro in Latina where he opened for Niccolo Fabiper’s Tour Ecco concerts. In September the single Vendesi or Cercasi featured on the Best of Fest(ival) di XL Repubblica, an album which features the best of emerging Italian music from live music festivals. In October he signed an editorial contract with Valle Giovanni Edizioni Musicali.
2014 saw Alessio working on his latest album Condividi (Share). Through the 20 x 20 MusicAttiva crowdfunding project Alessio coordinated the efforts of his friends, sponsors, colleagues and artist network to build a real artistic studio. 64 co-producers, 6 sponsors, 8 collaborations and 10 artists united to represent the 12 songs contained within a magic box which breaks the standards of normal discs available to buy in the market. A disc full of colour, smiles and emotions and well summarised in the video that shares the same name as the album.
Alessio’s style has become more carefree since working with his friend Leonard Caucci Molari (who takes care of the musical arrangements alongside Pistilli). His style remains attentive to the relationship between fresh melodies and refined and complete compositions.
In September Alessio took part in the campus della Musica and was selected to be perform Live at the Teatro dell’Opera di Firenze (Opera Theatre Florence) during the following 2015 season. In December he won the Targhe d’Autore award for best current album.
In February 2015 his album Condividi became available on iTunes.
Alessio lives and works in England and is currently working on his next album.